Characteristics Of The Persian Empire

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With the knowledge I have gained, I believe that the most ideal civilization for me to subside in would be Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great. The Persian Empire conquered many civilizations on its voyage from a nomadic tribe to one of the world 's greatest powers. Being a world power, would allow the ideals and concepts of the Persian culture, my culture, to flourish. Yet, the most important reason why I would live with the Persians rather than any other civilization is due to how culturally diverse and tolerant they were. Unlike any other civilization before, Persians embraced the culture and traditions of the people they conquered. To me, the Persian Empire was the most modern out of all civilizations of the time. Ruling with diplomacy created an environment for cultural and racial tolerance. I would still be able to live the exact same lifestyle under the persians if I was Babylonian. This lifestyle would remind me the most of life in modern Hawaii, and will allow me to feel content. Not only do I awe over the lifestyles of the Persians, I also understand the importance of their economic success. The Persian Empire started out with great economic advantages because geographically, they were in the middle of the Eastern and Western civilizations. This created important trade routes that ran right through Persia. Plus, they started to use important metals such as iron and copper that even further advanced their civilization. With prosperous trade routes, advancements in metallurgy and other technologies, I have many opportunities to make a fortune for myself as a Persian citizen. Persia had a very complex system of roadworks and even had …show more content…

Considered the most war-like nation in ancient times, is a legacy that I personally don 't want to be apart off. However, I do understand why they were so war-like; living next to extremely powerful countries such as the babylonians made them have to fight just to

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