What Are The Similarities And Differences Between The Persian And Roman Empires

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Throughout the history of mankind, many factors have contributed to the evolution of civilizations. Major empires of the past have demonstrated the ability to vastly expand their territory. The Persian and Roman empires are excellent examples of how civilizations can progress and create enormous realms. Amongst the factors that have contributed to the organization of these empires include religion, political institutions, and infrastructure. With out these key essential elements, a strong argument can be made that these empires would not have thrived for as long as they did. This comparative essay will discuss the similarities and differences in religion, government, and infrastructure between the Persian and Roman empires. Persia, like many other civilizations during its time, was a polytheistic society. The Zoroastrian religion was the main religious philosophy, which was founded by Zarathustra. This polytheistic religion heavily praised a main god known as Ahura Mazda, who was the creator of all good things and Angra …show more content…

Emperor Augustus and Darius were perceived and semi divine rulers. Persian and Roman religious philosophies were similar since they were both polytheistic, but later Romans adopted Christianity, which was influenced by Zoroastrianism. Both of these theological concepts are based on salvation, heaven, and hell. Even though the Persian and Roman Empire were centralized and bureaucratic, the government system they incorporated was very different from one another. One key similarity between Persia and Rome was that a body of laws was used as an attempt to keep peace with in their respective realms. By far, these empires were heavily similar in the infrastructure used to maintain communication, transport food, and obtain water for consumption and agriculture. Overall, it is quite astonishing that the Persian and Roman empires had many

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