Character Analysis Of David Logan In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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The book “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”, shows lots of people who put family first. One of those people are David Logan. David Logan cares a lot for his family. David Logan is Cassie’s dad and he is very wise. He cares a lot about his family and always knows how and when to do the right thing. He shows lots of responsibility in the book and always knows what to say. In the book, Cassie was very mad at Lillian jean and her dad for being jerks. But David say that she was mad and told her something very wise. He said “Cassie, there'll be a whole lot of things you ain't gonna wanna do but you'll have to do in this life just so you can survive. Now I don't like the idea of what Charlie Simms did to you no more than your Uncle Hammer, but I had to weigh the hurt of what happened to you to what could've happened if I went after him. If I'd've gone after Charlie Simms and …show more content…

Papa asks if Jeremy is Stacey’s friend, Stacey says kind of. Papa said, “Far as I’m concerned, friendship between black and white don’t mean that much ‘cause it usually ain’t on an equal basis. Right now you and Jeremy might get along fine, but in a few years he’ll think of himself as a man but you’ll probably still be a boy to him. And if he feels that way, he’ll turn on you in a minute.” This quote is very wise because, back then blacks and whites couldn’t work out. Another one of David’s great quotes is when he burned down his cotton field to save the life of T.J. He taught Cassie the weight of sacrifice. He said, “Look out there, Cassie girl. All that belongs to you. You ain't never had to live on nobody's place but your own and long as I live and the family survives, you'll never have to. That's important. You may not understand that now, but one day you will. Then you'll see”. This was a very big lesson on how family comes before anything else. Also it teaches Cassie to think through any move you

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