Character Analysis: Is Survival Selfish

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Survival, something we hear almost daily in TV, movies and shows but we never realize what survival truly implies, what it truly requires of someone. Survival is a feat humans have been accomplishing for many hundreds of thousands of years but in this age we are starting to forget what survival truly means and what it requires from a person. Most of us may not put much thought on exactly survival is we just know that it means to try to stay alive but that is far from the full definition. There are many hundreds of books in which discuss the requirements of survival such as Is Survival Selfish? or in a book which the main character has to survive challenging obstacles such as The Hunger Games, and Night. Throughout these books we get to see the main characters survive several horrifying concentration camps or battle arenas thanks to the strength they had to get back up, determination to keep them fighting even when it seemed that they lost and the resilience to survive the …show more content…

“After realizing that the people around her were too paralyzed to react, she took direct action, crawling over several rows of people to get to the exit. She got out of the plane and survived. Very few others in the plane, which was soon consumed by smoke and fire, did.” In this segment from Is Survival Selfish, we clearly see that this woman was determined to survive, right after that she saw that everyone else was paralyzed she took power to her own hands and escaped the burning plane if she did not have the determination she probably would not have gotten out of the plane in time. “It was slow-going at first, but I was determined to feed us. I stole eggs from nests, caught fish in nets, sometimes managed to shoot a squirrel or rabbit for stew.” Katniss from The Hunger Games has to be determined to feed her family because without her help her family would

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