Change And Continuity Essay

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Changes and continuities take place in every person’s life around the world. Continuity can be described as the unbroken and consistent existence or operation or something over a period of time. Change is to make or become different. Change and continuity have been a huge aspects in my life, but I would have to say that I’ve had more change in my life than continuity. Some things that have changed are gymnastics, dance, moving house, etc. As said before, change and continuity has played a major role in my lifetime. There have been a lot of changes in my lifetime. Some examples are moving to a different country, family dynamics, and moving houses. The reason I moved to a different country is because I was adopted. I was originally born in Hanoi, Vietnam, the capital. I moved from Vietnam to the United States when I was four months old. Another change is family dynamics. My parents got a final divorce when I was five years old in June of 2006. My mom and I went to go live with my grandmother after that happened. I also moved houses frequently as a child. It was mostly for school …show more content…

Some of the continuities are music, religion, and living in Mobile. I’ve always loved music and always have had a huge interest. When I was one years old, I had a small keyboard and a mini drum set. I even played with my grandfather’s harmonica. I’ve also taken guitar lessons and I still do it to this day. I’ve also taken voice lessons for a few months. In the car, my mom would do music trivia with me. I’ve loved music since I was a little kid and I still love it. My religion has also stayed the same throughout my life. I am Christian and Baptist to be more specific. I’ve grown up with it since my mom is Christian too. I go to Dayspring Baptist Church and I got saved when I was twelve. I have lived in Mobile, Alabama for my whole life. It’s where my family and friends live, and I’ve had no reason to

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