Cenotaph Monument In San Antonio Texas Case Study

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1. I chose the Alamo Cenotaph Monument in San Antonio Texas. It is located adjacent to the front of the Alamo. Construction began in 1936 and took two years to complete. It was created by sculptor Pompeo Coppini from a design envisioned by architect Carlton Adams. The state of Texas provided the money to build the monument. It is sculpted using Georgia marble and the base using pink Texas granite sunk in concrete. The sculpture features a 60-foot-high shaft, sloping capstone and a 40-foot-long base.

2. The main face of the monument or the south side is the “Spirit of Sacrifice” standing 25-foot tall. It is a figure of a man with two men crouching below him. It looks as if water is surrounding them and he is keeping the men below him safe.

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