Cattle Research Paper

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Cattle are one of the most common type of large domesticated mammals. Cattle are raised as livestock for meat, dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals. In other parts of the world cattle have significant religious meaning to people. Many of us take cattle for granted but there are parts of the world that they are worshiped and not used for dairy or meat. Not many people know this but cows have a four compartment stomach. “The stomach includes the rumen, reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum” (University of Minnesota). The rumen is located on the left side of the body and can hold 25 gallons or more of material. The rumen is a storage area for feed. The reticulum is in the front part of the body and is the drop off area for heavy or dense feed. The omasum absorbs water and other substances from contents the cow digests. The abomasum is where hydrochloric acid and …show more content…

The theory that is used most commonly and accepted is a common ancestor of zebu and taurine cattle was legendary auroch and urus. Cattle have their eyes positioned on the side of their head which causes a blind spot directly behind them. “They have split shaped pupils and weak eye muscles which inhibits their ability to focus quickly” (Coulter et al., 1993). Cattle have poor depth perception and because of this they often refuse to cross a shadow or drain gate. “Cattle can distinguish smell and will baulk at the smell of blood and offal” (Currie, 1995). Cow ears are very sensitive but they can be calmed by the sound of soothing music but can also be stressed by yelling or other loud noises. It is found that dairy cows are more sensitive to sound and touch than beef breeds (Lanier et al, 2000). One method used to calm cattle down is cutaneous sensitivity. They like to be scratched in difficult to reach areas such as under the neck and behind the

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