Catherine The Great Quotes

732 Words2 Pages

Autumn Hughes

Ms. Collins

Eng. II: 4

October 2014

Catherine the Great: Most Known Queen of Russia

Catherine the Great was the most known Queen in Russia. The general history of Catherine the Great is unique because it left the lasting effect of the citizens of Russia upon the people that had better lives due to her. Catherine had said once, “Power without a nation's confidence is nothing.” With her as the Queen, the nation had confidence and still remembers her today ("Catherine the Great Quotes - BrainyQuote.").

Catherine II grew up in Poland, in a district called Anhalt- Zerbst. In 1744 Catherine was a very sick teenager, her treatments created conflicted between her mom and the Russian Empress. Once Catherine was known she started off as a minor German princess. On August 21, 1745, Catherine married into the Russian royal family. They were a happy couple; Peter was very immature and preferred to play with toys soldiers and mistresses than to be with his wife. Everybody began to notice that Catherine was styling …show more content…

In 1763, Catherine founded Russia’s first college of medicine. This consisted of a director, president, plus eight members. The college was instructed to train Russian doctors, surgeons and apothecaries to serve in the provinces. Russia only had a few schools, Catherine also wanted to improve the education, one of many things she did was convent St. Petersburg into a boarding school for girls, the Smolny Institute. In 1786, Catherine issued the Statute for Schools for all of Russia. Every district town was to establish a minor school with at least 2 teachers; then minor schools had to have at least 6 teachers. She also didn’t set policies for the founding of Universities, because she knew that Russia lacked qualifying teachers for these foundations, but she did increase the number of grants to study abroad (“Catherine The Great :: Biography Russia Catherine

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