Career Goals: Notes On Goals And Life Goals

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Goal seting Term 1 Consider what I want to achieve in the following areas of my life: • Career – What level do I want to reach in my career, or what do I want to achieve on my course? • Financial – How much do I want to earn, by what stage? How are my financial goals related to my career goals? • Education – Is there any knowledge I want to acquire in particular? What information and skills will I need to have in order to achieve other goals? • Family –How do I want to be seen by my partner or by members of my extended family? • Artistic – Do I want to achieve any artistic goals? • Attitude – Is any part of my mindset holding me back? Is there any part of the way that I behave that upsets me? (Set a goal to improve my behaviour or find a solution …show more content…

• Public Service – Do I want to make the world a better place? If so, how? Term 2 Determine my life goals. Ask myself some important questions about what I want for my life. What do I want to achieve: today, in a year, in my lifetime? For example "I want to be happy," or "I want to help people”. Consider what I hope to attain 10, 15, or 20 years from now. • A career life goal “perhaps one of these days I will open my own business”. A fitness goal “to become fit”. A personal goal to have a family one day. • Consider areas of my life that I either want to change or that I feel I would like to develop with time. Areas to include: career, finances, family, education, or health. Begin by asking myself questions about what I'd like to achieve in each area and how I would like to approach it within a five year time frame. For the life goal “I want to be fit,” make the smaller goals “I want to eat more healthily” and “I want to run a marathon.” • For the life goal “I want to open my own business,” smaller goals “I want to learn to manage a business effectively” and “I want to open an independent …show more content…

• To become fit, my first goals to eat more vegetables and to run a 5K. • To open my own business, my first goal may to take a bookkeeping class and to find the perfect location for my store. Make my goals steps towards life goals. I need to decide why I am setting this goal for myself and what it will accomplish. Good questions to ask myself when figuring this out are: does it seem worthwhile? Is now the right time for this? Does this match my needs? • A short-term fitness goal to take up a new sport within 6 months, ask myself if that will help me reach my bigger goal of running a marathon. If not, consider changing the short term goal to something that will be a step towards meeting this life goal. Adjust my goals periodically. I find myself set in my ways concerning broad life goals, so I am taking the time to re-evaluate my smaller goals. Am I accomplishing them according to my time frame? Are they still necessary to keep me on track towards my larger life goals? Allow myself the flexibility to adjust my

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