Capturing Reality: The Use Of Documentaries In Film

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Documentaries are a type of film that can give the viewer a vision of the subject in a way that is unable to be portrayed by other types of art. Documentaries are normally thought of as nonfiction works of film that show a subject in its normal habitat or surroundings. That being said, all films can have some aspects of documentaries in them. I believe that one way all films can be considered documentaries is all films record what is in front of the lens and what the viewer sees is exactly what it is. For example, if the movie batman shows a scene in which the joker is fighting batman. The viewer is watching the joker fight batman there must be two people fighting each other that has been recorded for the film. Unlike if an artist painted a …show more content…

In the film Capturing Reality there is a discussion about how nonfiction documentaries have this very real and raw feelings to them that cannot be captured in fiction films as well. While this is true, there is still the aspect of seeing maybe a stunt or a scene in a fiction film and the viewer understanding what might have had to go into that scene for it to be shot. That thought of thinking about how the scene was captured in the element of documentary that all films have. In reality at some point there had to be a team to design a scene where someone jumped off a tall structure. It is not like in a painting where an artist can paint the scene but no one having actually completed the scene in reality. This can also be shown more strongly in documentaries where the filmmaker shows the subject in its actual surroundings trying to capture a real aspect of society and not one designed for a fiction

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