Cance Cancer: A Short Story

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There are many obstacles that I have faced in my lifetime. The biggest one that I have ever faced, however, was being diagnosed with cancer at eight years old. This was a huge setback for an ambitious, outgoing, eight-year-old kid. I didn’t truly know how to handle the news at first. I was stuck in a hospital room, wires and needles poking out of me from all directions, very confused. I didn’t really know what cancer was at this point, let alone that I had it. Anytime you hear about someone having cancer, you don’t really hear much about what goes on. You don’t see them much because they’re always in the hospital, and it’s always a topic everyone seems to avoid. So, I didn’t know much about what was happening, or better yet, what was going to happen. …show more content…

Cancer to me was something that showed me how to live life to the fullest, how to be optimistic, and how to be thankful for what you have. I may have been stuck in a hospital for a year, but I made sure to always have a smile on my face and make the best of the situation. Letting this affect me and bring me down wasn’t an option. I was always told that my attitude was half the battle. So, I had the best attitude I could, most of the time. I would bake cookies for the nurses, ride my IV pole around the unit, do crafts for people. You name it, I probably did it. The other times I was too weak and sick to be able to be the happy-go-lucky kid I was known to be. However, I was lucky enough to have my family and friends helped support me through these harder times. Through these times, I realize that I had a support system greater than any other, my

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