Can Video Games Change People's Behavior

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Another skill that kids and teenagers can develop from playing video games is problem solving and creativity. This skill can also benefit kids and teenagers because they would be able to come up with creative ways to solve various puzzles and any other problems. This can benefit kids and teenagers in real life because it will help them to think outside the box and to be more creative than usual. The type of real life situations that this skill can be useful for would be school projects, presentations and the way they might want to dress. The games that kids and teenagers can play to improve this skill would be “Angry Birds” or “Cut the Rope.”
Furthermore, another one of the main positive effects of video games is that it can help kids and teenagers improve their social skills. Since modern games allow you to play with people around the world and work together and cooperate with each other, improving social skills shouldn’t be a problem. Also, while experiencing this kids and teenagers can also establish friendships with multiple people at a time. From experience video games can improve your social skills to a point that a person can meet people and have a longtime friendship with other individuals to a point where you would meet them in person. So from reviewing this statistic out of many different ones this would be one of the most accurate.
Additionally, another positive effect video games can have is they may be able to decrease a person’s aggression. For this positive effect to occur a person would have to develop better social skills and interact with more people. When they do they can meet people that they can play with and the game will become less frustrating for them and more fun. Also, from experience having online fr...

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