Can Bullying Have Permanent Or Fatal Effects?

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Can bullying have permanent or fatal effects? Students are bullied all over the country on a daily basis. Bullies are usually victims themselves, suffering from things like low self-esteem, problems at home, and many other troubling factors. Bullying is usually used as an escape from these factors. Bullying can have many negative outcomes such as stress, self-harm, and suicide.
Stress is one of the immediate effects of bullying. Students who are bullied begin to constantly worry about a variety of things, often losing focus on main priorities. For instance, a student who loses focus on their school work will eventually see a drop in their grades. This would cause most students to worry about their grades as well, causing even more stress added on to being stressed over being …show more content…

Students may harm themselves in ways like cutting, for example, in an effort to relieve the pain from injuries caused from bullying, or for relief from the bullying itself. Harm to oneself only provides temporary relief from the pains of bullying. The victim usually continues to inflict more and more self-harm upon themselves over time. It would be beneficial to put a stop to bullying

when one begins to stress, but it is critical to put an end to it if it reaches the point of causing self-harm. If self-harm gets out of hand, the consequences can even be deadly.
One of the final and biggest effects of bullying is suicide. Sometimes bullying may get so vigorous that victims may feel that there is no other help for them. They may feel like they can no longer tolerate being bullied. Bullying can be so humiliating and hurtful that suicide seems to be the best and only way out. Bullying is a horrible act that can have fatal consequences.
The effects of bullying are all negative and harmful in some way. The first effect usually starts with stress. Stress slowly tears at the mind, wearing the victim down. Next comes

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