Calculus Worksheet: A Short Story

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When the pendulum clock arm swung discontentedly as it hit ten o'clock, I buried my head down on the almond- colored table and took a sip of the ice-cold water to ease my restless mind. Under the luminous sunlight, I squinted my dry eyes and let out a long pulsed yawn, leaving piles of worksheets lying cynically on the messy floor. My high school study had never brought me much pressure and sorrow until grade eleven shattered my brain into strays and overtaken my optimism. Tests and assignments haunted me every day and nights as they shoved themselves on to my working table. After several months, the overwhelming stress caused me to lose my all soberness and the growing hopelessness teased with my mind. " Mom! Did you see my calculus …show more content…

She scanned my winged eyebrows and shot me an agitated look. "I didn't clean your room. Your room was this messy since last week. " I know. Did you see my calculus worksheet?" I granted while my sweating hands tightly clump to my folders. "No, I didn't see your worksheet. Pay attention to your attitude." She reminded me again but this time I could see the lump in her dry throat and the rushing blood to her face. " Okay, okay, bye." I stood up and pushed the door hard to lock my mother outside. As the door cackled, my mother lifted her foot and kicked the door open. Without giving my mother another opportunity to speak, I leaped to the front edge of my canary door and shut the door with fierce force. Under the dim light, I took off my crimson colored glasses and rubbed my temple with my shivering hands. Overwhelmed by my sudden rage, I turned my backpack upside down and shook all my books onto the floor. I treated all my school supplies as an outlet for my anger by throwing them against the wall and listened to the melodic cracking sound when they fall to the ground. After the devastated emotional storm, my room was the no man's land for pens and pencils. and backpack and paper were just collateral damage. Suddenly, I dragged myself toward my bed and squinted through my watering eyes. With a deep inhale, I realized that the thought that destroying

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