Sophomore Year: Personal Experience

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Sophomore year was a year of misconception for me. I registered to take my first advanced placement classes - AP Psychology and AP Environmental Science - and I was up for the challenge. Eager to earn my A average, the challenges that awaited me hadn’t even crossed my mind. Naivety had blinded me and the thought of not living up to my own expectations was a possibility that I neglected to acknowledge. I was convinced that I was indomitable, unbeatable, and unshakable. The workload had increased, as I expected it to. It now included daily readings and nightly videos - a little extra, but doable, nonetheless. A month had passed and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the classwork and discussions were manageable; that prized “A” seemed in close reach. With the unit one assessments for both classes quickly approaching, I began to comb through my notes until I felt that I was prepared to test my way to a 4.0. I had heard the horror stories and warnings to “expect the unexpected,” but I was still swollen with hope that I would do well. …show more content…

I expected nothing less from my AP Environmental Science test. Instead, however, I faced a bold “73” engraved in red ink in the spot where an “A” was supposed to be. My confidence and self-assurance had been silently squelched and trampled. Looks of disappointment littered the classroom as everyone received their scores and anticipated the plummet their grades would take. Although I was one of twenty to not do as well as I had expected, it was to my dismay that I hadn’t lived up to my own expectations. It’s one thing to fail in general, but to fail yourself is a whole other

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