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Cadbury plan their production process by using a time series method as

this helps Cadbury to accurately

A1: An evaluation of the effectiveness of the techniques used

by the business to plan production and

product development

Cadbury plan their production process by using a time series method as

this helps Cadbury to accurately produce the needed amount of

chocolate at the correct period of time. A time series shows

historical data that can be used and analysed to predict future

trends. Christmas and Easter are peak selling times for all chocolate

manufactures including Cadbury, this is obviously because chocolate

products make good gifts for these occasions.

The disadvantages of this type of forecast are:

- Cadbury need to have a lot of past data in order for the time series

method to be used accurately to predict sales figures.

- If the external environment doesn’t stay stable then there will be

problems with the forecast for example if the prices of the raw

materials used to produce Cadbury products increases then the price of

the product has to increase in order for Cadbury to make a profit from

the product produced. This may affect the customers purchasing trends.

- The data may be biased or representative.

The advantages of this type of forecast are:

- The data helps Cadbury to reduce wastage and produce the amount of

products that customers would purchase.

- The data is reliable if collected properly/accurately.

- The forecast helps Cadbury to make products efficiently as it helps

Cadbury to set a target of the amount of products needed; there are

always enough products to supply to customers.

However precise information about this is not available to the public.

Therefore I am going to use the information that I have produced about

an imaginary firm I have used in E4 of my assignment.

The most profitable product that the imaginary firm produces is the

mugs, making a profit of £10,500 for the first quarter of the year. I

think that this is excellent as this firm is selling the mugs well and

making a reasonable amount of profits from them, the mugs are batch

produced and are everyday household objects.

- The firm does some research and find out what types of designs the

customers are interested in purchasing. This would help to increase

the sales, as customers like to have mugs with designs that they like

and match with the rest of their kitchen accessories/items.

More about Cadbury

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