Buddhism Research Paper

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The purpose of this essay is to investigate Buddhism, describing it using the framework of the eight dimensions of religion. Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of reality (Source: the Buddhist centre). By meditating, Buddhists believe it is a way of changing in order to improve the qualities of awareness, kindness and wisdom. The Buddhist ritual is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. There is little historical evidence about Buddha.

Buddha has been described as a child prodigy, which is a person, often a child, in possession of special gifts or power. He is called a student of yoga, which refers to established physical and mental punishments in Hinduism. He is also portrayed, as a …show more content…

Religious ethics:
Buddhists also believe in the five precepts, which Buddha taught for everyday life. The five precepts are:
• Do not harm any living creature
• Do not steal, and be generous in giving
• Do not take more than you need
• Do not lie
• Do not act thoughtlessly

Part B:
Buddhism is centered upon the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha, whereas Christianity is centered on the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. Buddhism is a nontheistic religion, i.e. it does not believe in a supreme creator being also known as God. Christianity is a monotheistic religion and believes that Christ Is the Son of God. (Source: Buddhism vs. Christianity, 2014)

Some of the major differences among Buddhism and Christianity are: God
Buddhists do not believe or speak of a Creator God. In Christianity the concept of God is dominant.

Buddhists meditate and are mindful. Christianity places greater stress on prayer.

Grace / Personal Effort
Buddhism believes personal effort is more important, where as Christianity places greater importance on

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