Buck Up For Life Essay

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Research shows that the formative years of a child’s life are crucial in instilling long lasting safety behaviors. Continuous exposure to safety and injury prevention education through the means of first-hand testimonials, activities, visual aids, open discussions, and publicized enforcement largely affect a child’s behavior. Research has also shown that children whose parents follow safety rules are nearly twice as likely to follow the same safety precautions.
RC Department of Public Health, Injury Prevention Services (IPS) branch has been in existence since 1994. The mission of IPS is to reduce the incidence of unintentional injuries and fatalities to children in RC. IPS has coordinated programs and services to address teen impaired driving, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and child passenger safety. Our proactive approach has included partnerships with law enforcement, community based organizations, schools, and hospitals county-wide.

IPS proposes to expand these efforts by establishing a seat belt use education program titled Buck Up for Life within RC. The …show more content…

Their mission is to prevent brain, spinal cord and other traumatic injuries through education, research, and advocacy. A Think First assembly offers compelling guest speakers to augment the curricula activities with first-hand testimony. Health educators utilize brain and spine models and other visuals in their discussion, followed by a Think First VIP speaker - Voices for Injury Prevention - who shares their personal story of how one decision changed their life forever. Students have the rare opportunity to hear from someone who has dealt with a brain or spinal cord injury due to non-seat belt usage, helping them to gain a better appreciation for the need to "use your mind to protect your

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