Brutus Caesar Quotes Analysis

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Brutus Considers killing Caesar but has mixed feelings. Finally decides that it is the best option after he reads the fake letters. “Evil can come from good, just as poisonous snakes tend to come out into the open on bright sunny days which means we have to walk carefully.” He is loyal to Cassius because he agrees with Cassius and wants to kill Caesar.
Lucius He works for Brutus and he confirms tomorrow is ides of March. He introduces the conspirators. “Sir fifteen days of
March have gone by.” He’s loyal to Brutus. He works for him.
Cassius Him and his other followers conspire against Caesar. “Remember what you’ve said and prove yourselves true Romans.” He’s not loyal to Caesar he wants him dead.
Casca He’s one of Cassius’s followers. …show more content…

Calpurnia Calpurnia is preparing for the Holy run. “I’m here my, my lord.” She’s loyal to her husband
Because she watches out for
Him. She didn’t want Caesar to go out.
Antony He reassures Caesars not to fear Cassius. “Don’t be afraid of him,
Caesar. He isn’t dangerous.
He’s a noble Roman with a good disposition.” He’s loyal to Caesar because him and Caesar are close.
He’s also Caesar’s right hand man.
Soothsayer He told Caesar to beware of March 15th. “Beware the ides of March” He’s loyal to Caesar because
He warns him about the ides of
Brutus He is torn between his emotions. “If it’s for the good of all
Romans, I’d do it even if it meant my death. Let the gods give me good luck as long as I love honor more than I fear death.” He’s loyal to Caesar all he wants the good of all Romans.
Cassius He’s trying to persuade Brutus to turn against
Caesar. “I’m glad that my weak words have provoked even this small show of protest from you.” He’s not loyal to Caesar
Because he planned on killing
Cicero He’s trying to put Casca’s mind at ease. “But men tend to interpret things however suits them and totally miss the actual meaning of the things themselves.” Loyal to Caesar because

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