The Fault In Our Stars Essay Questions

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The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is about, Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is a seventeen year old girl. However, she’s different than most seventeen year olds, she’s been battling terminal thyroid cancer, since she was twelve, and has mets in her lungs. They gave her a testing drug called Phalanxifor, and it cleared out the fluid in her lungs and cured her. She knows she’s just a time bomb and her cancer can come back, and this leaves her with what her doctor thinks is depression and also an oxygen tank. Therefore, she has to go to support group meetings in the “literal heart of Jesus” as the support group leader, Patrick, likes to point out a lot during every meeting. One day, Hazel goes to support group and she see a boy. This boy won’t …show more content…

No matter how hard Hazel tries to distance herself from Gus to avoid being a “grenade” his life, meaning some day she’s going to blow up and hurt him when she does, he loves her too much to let her go. Augustus Waters is a remarkable human being, he uses his one and only “wish” from having cancer, to take Hazel to Amsterdam. After careful consideration from Hazel’s parents and doctors, Hazel, Gus and Hazel’s mother, go to Amsterdam. Amsterdam is perfect, it’s gorgeous and romantic. Hazel and Augustus go to dinner together, tour Amsterdam and prepare to meet Van Houten. It’s a long messy story on why but, Van Houten is a drunk; a mean, angry, drunk. He let them fly all the way to Amsterdam, just to lie to them. He had never envisioned an ending for An Imperial Affliction, nor did he want to write a sequel, or make up answers to Hazel’s questions, despite their effort to get to him. This made Hazel upset and Gus angry, so Van Houten’s assistant Lidewij took Hazel and Gus to Anne Frank’s house, where Hazel and Augustus share their first kiss. Regardless of the fact that Van Houten is an awful man, Gus was determined to make the last few days of Hazel’s trip amazing, things get a bit, intimate, between them and then Gus tells her that his cancer is …show more content…

Gus gave Hazel an “infinity within the numbered days.” Gus had a pre-funeral so he could say he attended his own funeral, Isaac and Hazel wrote eulogies, and Gus critiqued them. Augustus Waters died eight days after his pre-funeral. Hazel was at Gus’s funeral when Van Houten showed up. He was drunk, but offered to give Hazel that ending she wanted. Hazel was furious, she told Van Houten how pathetic he was and that she didn’t want his ending. Van Houten was confused and a little hurt, however he agreed and began to leave. He told Hazel that An Imperial Affliction is about his dead daughter. Hazel told him to stop drinking and clean up his life, for her. He said he would and put his alcohol down, however as Hazel drove away she saw him pick it back up and keep

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