Breast Cancer Research Paper

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Breast Cancer Treatment
One out of every eight women in the US is diagnosed with breast cancer every year. As the number of breast cancer patients increases year after year, identification methods and treatments are beginning to advance. When women get older, their chances of developing breast cancer increases. In fact, 80% of all breast cancer patients are women ages 50 and up. The tumor is discovered through either mammography or self-breast examinations. Through these methods, doctors are able to discover the tumor and decide on what treatment is right for each patient. When it comes to treating breast cancer there are multiple treatment options; the type and severity of the cancer help the doctor decide the optimal treatment plan for each …show more content…

All types of cancer are ranked in a similar way, depending on how aggressive or large ones cancer is depends on that ranking. The different types of cancers are put into stages zero through four, zero being a tiny lump and four being highly sever (Breast Cancer 10). Doctors will also use different terms to describe their patients cancer, this creates an easier way to keep track of the tumors activity and decide on treatment. The words benign, malignant, and metastatic are commonly used. If a mass is benign then it is not harmful and does not contain any cancer cells. These masses are usually classified as grows or cysts rather than tumors, and they do not cause any problems unless they are near the brain or brain stem (Breast Cancer 87). Oncologists will use the term malignant as a description if the mass that is detected is cancerous and can cause harm to the patient (Breast Cancer 92). Tumors are not only classified as benign or malignant because these classifications are too broad. Oncologists need a better idea of what the tumor is like rather than cancerous or not cancerous, which is why they use the term metastatic. If a tumor is metastatic or has metastasized, then it has spread throughout the infected patients body (Treatment 17). Tumors like this are extremely dangerous because they have the ability to spread into the lymph nodes that …show more content…

The doctors will look into your and your family’s medical history, and factor in your age to help decide what treatment is best (Breast Cancer 4). Other factors that will play a role in the decision include the size and location of the lump, the stage of the cancer, and how your body may react to the medications (MedlinePlus 41). There are multiple treatment options from medications to minor surgeries to the use of harsh chemicals to control the cancer. Oncologists do their best to create the best personalized plan for each patient's situation. Knowing the stage of the cancer is very helpful in deciding a treatment plan, usually if a patient has stage zero they will only receive a mastectomy or lumpectomy because of how minor the cancer is. Stage one and two patients have a little more of an advanced cancer and it is usually recommended for them to have a mastectomy with additional removal of lymph nodes or lumpectomy followed by chemotherapy or radiation. For stage three patients, surgery is the only option and it is always followed by chemotherapy or hormonal therapy (MedlinePlus 50). At this point the cancer is advanced and it is important to contain it and prevent growth. When a patient has stage four cancer it is very difficult to completely clear the body of the cancer, but with the combination of the different surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation the cancer

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