Boy In The Striped Pajamas Thesis

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Anne Frank and the Boy in the Striped Pajamas are two children whose lives changed very suddenly. How are children affected by war? How were they treated and how did they survive? I will show how Anne and Shmuel were able to endure the war. Do you think this could happen to us today? Could it happen here?

Anne Frank endured with joy. She maintained a positive attitude and even tried to encourage her family. She tried to make the best of a bad situation. She even decorated the walls of the small attic where they lived. She mentions in her diary, when comparing her family with the other Jews who were suffering, "How fortunate we are here, so well care and undisturbed." Eight members of the Secret Annex had a better life compared to other Jews, who had been forced into concentration camps. Anne could have a positive attitude because at this time she and her family were well taken care of by kind people.

In "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" Bruno and Shmuel are two children who are innocent and really ignorant of the horrible things that were happening during the Holocaust and yet they endured with joy too. They formed a friendship and a devotion to one another despite their different backgrounds and circumstances. Bruno wants to help Shmuel and as a result …show more content…

Between love and hate? Anne says, "Life was different from what used to be and much harder." They were always under stress and yet she learned to be appreciative for what they had and the fact that they were together. This helped Anne to endure a difficult time. But it did change her. She was no longer able to be a child in the same way and was eventually found and sent to a camp where her life was ended. Bruno and Shmuel also supported each other in friendship. In the end, they died together, holding hands. These examples inspire us because these are children dealing with war, hate, death, cruelty, and these are things children shouldn't have to deal

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