Reflection Of A Slut Research Paper

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Being born a woman, we are constantly being told, that until we look a particular way, we can’t be proud of our bodies, we spend so much of out lives hating our bodies, struggling against it and punishing it, for having curves, wrinkles or spots.The media, the dieting industry, the fashion industry and so many of our cultural outlets tell women that we have to change ourselves to be beautiful. In this way, they can keep making money off of women’s insecurities. And, while both men and women are deeply emotional creatures, I believe if I were the opposite sex, I wouldn’t have this need to feel compelled to always look a certain way to enhance my beauty. While men also have their own insecurities, they are able to overcome the …show more content…

That sexual women are called “sluts” or “whores.” That our reputation as women are generally separated into two categories - marriageable mothers or whores who you sleep with. As I became more open about my sexuality in high school, I was labeled a “slut.” I wasn’t going off and looking for boys to sleep with, I was just simply very open about talking about sex and everything else in between. I was and still am, cultivating a strong relationship with myself where you listen to your inner voice, speak up for yourself, follow your dreams, and proudly request what you want from others in your life. I am creating the life I want and being a mentor to my future children, teaching them to be true to themselves as well. If I was a man instead of a woman this would most likely not have happened. Instead, if a man is open about sex, his friends would applaud him and girls would call him a player. Its weird how being a specific gender changes the outlook on …show more content…

I believe that every individual is attracted to one another even if its not in a sexual way. I am a straight woman who is very open-minded and is willing to try new things, and even if I were a straight, gay, or poly man, it would not matter to me because I open to anything. But thats coming from a woman’s perceptive, maybe I wouldn’t feel the same if I were a man. I sure hope I did feel the same, even if my sex was different, that doesn’t feel I need to discriminate others who weren’t that masculine enough for me, therefore deserve my scrutiny. I remember when I was in primary school, the boys would play a game called “chase the queer,” in which they would grab some boys glasses and act awful to the child who was less masculine then the rest of the boys. This was back in the 90’s imagine how cruel people use to be when they found out an individual was batting for the same team rather than the opposite. This world could be so cruel but thankful thats all changing

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