Borderline Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper

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Is there a cure for narcissistic personality disorder with borderline features? A lot of people may not have come across this mental condition: borderline narcissistic personality disorder. You might even be thinking that this must have something to do with the definition of narcissistic personality disorder. The truth is this conception is totally wrong. The reasons why borderline narcissistic personality disorder occurs In reality, there is no known cause why borderline personality disorder with narcissistic traits happens. It is deduced that there are several indicators that lead to the birth of this mental condition. The place where you were brought up or the surroundings, coupled together with the DNA genes in your body could be a reason that causes narcissistic personality disorder with borderline features. In fact, there are quite a number of researches and tests that prove that both of these factors could escalate the growth of narcissistic borderline personality disorder symptoms. …show more content…

Scientists, researchers and doctors all have proven that there is a cure for borderline narcissistic personality disorder. The most common and well-known treatment for narcissistic personality disorder borderline is the Dialectical Behavior Therapy, also known as DBT. During this treatment, the patient seeks to understand better of their borderline narcissistic personality disorder symptoms. He also gets to know about the tips of controlling his symptoms. It has been scientifically proven that this treatment for narcissistic personality disorder borderline is the best-rated cure for this mental

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