Comparing More's Execution to Jesus's Crucifixion

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In Act 2 scene 10, A crowd had gathered at the Tower of London to watch More’s beheading. The Common Man, who this time casts as the executioner, dons a black mask. As More approaches the block, he refuses Norfolk’s offer of wine and Cranmer’s offer to perform the last rites (Bolt 158). Although Margaret was despondent at the time, she approached More only to be comforted by him. He then tells the executioner not to feel bad about having to kill him, for he is sure that he will go to God. After a blackout indicating the execution, the Common Man removes his executioner’s mask and says to the audience, “It isn’t difficult to keep alive, friends—just don’t make trouble. . . . If we should bump into one another, recognize me.” This recalls More’s statements about how people can only guess at what he is throughout the play and that very few people can actually truly know him. The reason why I picked this scene, is because it reminds me of the death of Jesus Christ. As Jesus was walking up the hill upon which he was soon to be …show more content…

Thomas More was a humble and faithful man who held firmly onto his beliefs. His unshakable faith is of great acclaim. The fact that one would voluntarily die for their beliefs is a beautiful thing. Why do you think we honor and respect our fallen veterans? For the same exact reason as St. Thomas More, because they died for our country and all that it stands for. St. Thomas More died for his faith and all that it stands for, so therefore he is a martyr. The fact that he died for his faith and its set of beliefs is a quality that I find most admirable. I like the play in its entirety. It is filled with life lessons and examples worth following. A Man for All Seasons is a very interesting and enlightening play. Bolt formulates his ideas and sources of information into a beautiful, thrillingly, interwoven whole, making for a very easy and enjoyable read. I would recommended this to anyone because it is a very enriching experience to

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