Biblical Worldview And Education Research Paper

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Biblical Worldview and Christian Philosophy Impact on Education

Liberty University Robin Hilton

Biblical Worldview and Christian Philosophy of Education
Education is a cornerstone in the development of individuals and an avenue to obtain knowledge that can determine the course of one’s life. Education is the process in which the development of not only an individual but also a community, government, and country begins. It is the responsibility of educators to determine their worldview and philosophy of education that will be their driving focus throughout their career in. Knowing the importance of education, it becomes imperative that a biblical worldview and Christian philosophy be incorporated into the educational …show more content…

One approach teachers may adopt is a Christian philosophy of education. To apply a Christian philosophy to education requires that first there be an understanding of Christian philosophy. A Christian philosophy is developing a viewpoint “that will help us learn to think Christianly and live out the truth of Christian faith” (Capps, 2013, para. 3). To accomplish such an expectation, it requires the knowledge of God’s nature and character. According to Graham (2009) the elements of an educational Christian philosophy, are learning how to act like God, do His work, worship God, and be reconciled to Him (Graham, 2009). To act like God, one must first know and understand the character and nature of God. For educators to know and understand the character of God they must be willing to study His word. Through consistent study, the expectations of God’s work can be identified and provide guidance for beliefs to follow in carrying out God’s will. This requires that teachers believe the Bible is the absolute truth and that Christians are called by God to share their faith in Christ with others. Everything that we do as believers in Christ should demonstrate our worship of God. To be reconciled to God requires being in right relationship with God. Once these elements are understood then a teacher can apply them to the everyday educational …show more content…

Every individual has the opportunity to attend school and develop their intellect. Being able to provide an education that integrates a biblical worldview and Christian philosophy as a foundation should be the desire of every Christian educator in America. According to Buehrer in the online module of Faith, Freedom, and Public Schools near three fourths of all Americans identify as Christian. If there are that many people who believe in Christianity then it should be the foundation of the educational system in this country. Bartlett stated in his writing on a Christian philosophy of education that “students are searching for something to believe in, and Christians have the answer” (Bartlett, 2007, para.18). Therefore, educators need to understand a biblical worldview and Christian philosophy so when the situation arises they will be prepared to give an answer for the hope that they have in Christ

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