Summary Of Religion As Disruption

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Jeff Passe and Lara Willox of Religion as Disruption mentioned that the teaching of religion is now a necessity as an influx of “cultures that do not conform to the Judeo-Christian religious tradition” grows in the United States. What they suggest is that some form of world religions is taught in schools but before that happens teachers must go through comprehensive training that relies on high-quality curriculum for teacher training and for use in the classroom. One major point that stood out was the fact that teachers are highly untrained and lack knowledge about other religions themselves so without a sensitivity course and extensive instruction on the religions to be covered the process would be nothing but a mess. They also noted that …show more content…

I personally could never tell you the difference between Catholicism and Christianity and I am Catholic. I do not know nearly enough about my own religion and much less about others. I know that as the population of non-Judeo-Christians grows, schools will become more diverse and require a lot more inclusivity that what is offered now. Reading through the article has allowed me to think from the perspective of someone who does not celebrate Christmas and expanded my view on what religious freedom is and how to aptly interpret and implement the separation of church and …show more content…

Prior to the field trip, I knew that of course, the portrayal of the Islamic religion was biased and stereotyped all Muslims. However, I was still ignorant about what the Islamic religion was all about and the core values followed. One major misconception I had was that women were viewed as inferior to men. In the western media Muslim women are often portrayed as voiceless and oppressed figures in the background. However, our tour guide made it more than clear that this was not the case. When someone asked him about this I remember him taking a deep breath as if getting ready to explain his point of view thoroughly. I stupidly thought that this meant he was going to justify the reason women are inferior by quoting something from the Quran like Christians or Catholics often do when discriminating against the LGBTQ community. However, what he told us was the complete opposite and I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard “Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.” Not only were the words themselves beautiful but his facial expression and body language showed that he truly meant what he was

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