Beowulf: A Modern Day Epic Hero

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The definition of an epic hero in the time of Beowulf is a character who is brave and noble, someone who shows loyalty and courage. A modern-day epic hero can easily be a normal person doing a good deed for someone. Although the definition of an epic hero has changed over time, Beowulf still fits the figure and characteristics of a modern-day epic hero by showing his bravery, loyalty, and courage to his people.
Bravery is a necessity to be able to conquer the world. It is a characteristic of both a fictional heroic character as well as a realistic modern-day hero. Beowulf, as an epic hero, is endlessly fighting for his people and in the end, gives up his life for them because of his bravery. In the time of Beowulf, and epic hero was super-human, one who was in it for their own glory and fame. Now, a modern-day epic hero can be ordinary people bestowing their time to help those in need. Instead of being …show more content…

Courage, as an epic hero characteristic, underlines the story of Beowulf himself. The act of courage still exists today as a modern-day epic hero characteristic and Beowulf can still be deliberated as a hero of today’s society. A police officer, a firefighter, or a brain surgeon can be prime examples of modern-day heroes. Just as it took courage for Beowulf to conquest monsters and a dragon, it takes risky courage to compete with crime, fight fires, and position a patient’s life in their own hands. While Beowulf was not able to fight the way he used to in his younger years, his courage never failed him. Beowulf had the courage to fight a monster and a dragon with his two bare hands and a sword with no unwillingness. Beowulf was not afraid to fight these unrealistic characters as he knew that he had to do it for his country, king, and people who believed in him; Beowulf had courage. As an epic hero, Beowulf displayed his effectiveness as a modern-day hero with

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