Beowulf: Mock-Heroic Hero

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Beowulf is a heroic tale; "The Nun's Priest's Tale" is mock-heroic. In what ways does Chaucer use "The Nun's Priest's Tale" to ridicule the heroic style? Increased length is a clear result; name other story elements or writing techniques Chaucer uses. Consider such things as humor, elevated language, stories-within-stories, character development, moral lessons, and other elements. Do not just list these things; explain them and give direct examples (quotes—with line numbers) from the tale as evidence. Be sure to document your citations according to MLA style. Click here for a handout of the MLA style guidelines. Organize your findings into an essay of at least 400 words. In the nun's priest's tale the whole story line is mockery. It's kinda ironic in the sense they call it heroic when the characters …show more content…

They are animals as characters and I found it kind of unamusing actually that the characters aren't very realistic. The author clearly uses personification as a story line by using the animals. They use kennings in this written piece, and they use regular metaphors. Kennings are a double metaphor.They use several different literary devices to make this piece of writing come alive to the readers. The author has a very imaginative mind and you can tell this by the imagery used in "The nun's priest's tale". At first I thought that this story was going to have a more meaningful theme or message. I have found that in early writings, a lot of entertain wasn't what we'd call entertainment today. If someone wrote this in today's generation it would probably never get published or to take it a step further be discussed in an English class by senior students.

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