Benvolio And Romeo's Relationship

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In the first part of the scene where Romeo gets depressed over Rosaline, Benvolio plays a significant role in which he is a reliable and trustworthy cousin of Romeo’s. When Montague was frustrated of Romeo’s temperament, Benvolio responded, “So please you, step aside/ I’ll know his grievance or be much denied” (1.1. 159-160). In regards to Benvolio’s response with the Montagues, Benvolio shows that he understood Romeo more than his parents, and is willing to console him. In this case, I included one of symbols that represent a loyal friend just as Benvolio; a dog. On the other hand, when there was a recent fight in the street, Benvolio tried to make peace with the Capulets, but Tybalt resisted. Before the fight had begun, Benvolio insisted

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