Benefits Of Tipping

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You have five tables to serve. Table one needs three glasses of water, and two sodas, as well as a kids chair. Table two and three are patiently waiting for their food to come out, they’re starting to get demanding and asking where their food is at. Continually check the kitchen if their food is ready. Table four needs extra bread and more refills, don’t forget to ask if they would like any desserts. Table five has just arrived, get ready to read the specials and take orders. Oh, and remember smile smile smile. People should tip no matter the service they receive. Tipping benefits servers by helping out with their bills. Additionally they are helpful for servers, and are a must after they have served you, whether good or bad. Tipping can become …show more content…

For some, tipping is seen as a reward. Tipping is a small amount of money people give to their server for the service they have provided for them. Most tip when they have received good service, others will tip because they feel obligated. Boas Shamir - Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology - finds that “The practice of tipping is prevalent in many service such as hotels, restaurants, taxis, barbers and hairdressers, guided tours and to washroom attendants. As such it is worthy of study. Moreover, it has theoretical significance from at least two perspectives: motion and reward theory, and boundary role analysis.” Serving people is more than just bringing food out to tables. Tipping is most common in restaurants than any other service. When some tip, they believe they have power over their server, whether it’s bringing out food or driving from point A to point B. Journalist- Steen Videbeck reports, “While the owner of the restaurant finds it difficult to observe the effort of the waiting staff, customers are in an excellent position to do so. Thus the owner provides a lower base wage (presumably offering the meal

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