Benefits Of Climate Change And Business

1938 Words4 Pages

Climate Change and Business: Are Companies Benefitting?
Climate change is an issue that has become increasingly ubiquitous in all areas of life in recent decades. As population increases, there is a parallel increase in pollution, exacerbating climate change, which not only affects the environment, but also has an impact on human life and business. Climate change is generally thought of as a negative force due to its effects on the environment and its projected repercussions. However, there have been some upshots of climate change that have had positive impacts on business. Climate change presents businesses the opportunity to promote themselves by appealing to the public’s preoccupation with environmental concerns. It also presents opportunities for businesses to capitalize on climate change through entrepreneurship and innovation addressing environmental issues. Furthermore, by adopting ecofriendly practices that are conceived as responses to climate change, businesses can reduce costs of production and operation. As a result of climate change, companies are prompted to adopt sustainable business practices, “taking the goal of sustainability, and translating that into the changes required of an individual organization—changes which maintain the organizations capacity for producing human benefits, including the profitability needed for survival, while optimizing the environmental balance of its operations.” Through this pursuit of sustainable business, companies can benefit from the climate change that plagues the planet, through promoting a “green” image, “green” innovation, and ecofriendly practices. While there are some positive effects of climate change on businesses, these optimistic outcomes do not outweigh the extreme con...

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... capitalize on public concern. They are able to use their efforts to mitigate climate change as a way to market their company and appear trustworthy to their consumers. Companies benefit from climate change as they struggle against it. They promote a trustworthy, socially responsible, sustainable image; innovate technologies to meet the public demand for environmentally friendly products; and change their operations to ecofriendly procedures. Climate change itself does not have enough direct benefits on business to outweigh the costs of climate change on the planet. But rather it is the ways in which businesses react to climate change that provides them with majority of advantageous effects. Thus, climate change itself has substantially more costs than benefits for business, even though reaction of companies to climate change provides some subsidiary gains.

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