Benefits Of Alternative Media

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Alternative Media: Benefit to the Media Ecology With the development of the alternative media, there are some positive impacts brought to the media ecology in different levels. 1. Introduce high-quality media into the media market. With larger demand on high quality news reporting, in-depth analysis on social issues and broader coverage of information, more alternative media are formed to jump out of the limitation of mainstream media, in which of the financial influence and the political stance. Initium Media, as an alternative media which is good at making interview note and focus on news at Chinese-speaking places, it gains a large number of reputation and recognition from all around the world, such as the Human Rights Press Awards, Outstanding News Awards. Another example of outstanding alternative media is the Hong Kong Citizen News. It was founded by the experienced media workers and scholars, examples included the Mingpao Former Chief Editor, Mr Kevin Lau and the Hong Kong Journalists Association Former Chairperson, Ms Mak Yin Ting. Their passion, ability and quality are ensured. The introduction of alternative media can increase the news diversity and it …show more content…

It would be great if both mainstream media and alternative media can cooperate with each other and operate their advantages together. Being a good media is never easy, especially in the era of information explosion and the suppression from the government, however if there are more cooperation like the Mingpao and FactWire News Agency to produce higher quality of news, it is foreseeable to be a way to promote a better media ecology in Hong

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