Benefits Of Abortion Essay

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Abortion: It helps more than you think Abortion is an option all throughout the world. There are thousands of people thinking about what to do with the unplanned pregnancy they currently face. In fact in 2006, 49% of all pregnancies were unplanned and 80% of pregnancies in women younger than 19 were unintended. In 2012 there were 765,651 legal, documented abortions. This means that for every 1,000 live births there were 228 abortions. This fact can really make a person’s skin crawl, and the numbers for this problem are rising annually. It is my opinion that abortions are morally ok, but it shouldn’t be used just because someone wasn’t responsible enough to take the necessary precautions. There are steps that can and should be taken to avoid …show more content…

One of the biggest reasons around is the inability to raise a child. Many people have chosen to have a live birth at a very young age, and many of these couples have caused the child to suffer. My mother was 18 when she gave birth to me, and I can name a couple factors that caused us to suffer. The first problem she ran into was the constant supervision needed to care for an infant. All infants require constant attention, and many young adults cannot give a child this. At a younger age the parents are forced to work constantly because of the wages they are paid to support the new born baby, and this leads to them not being around the baby very much. Couples must find some way to give the baby this necessity, and many cannot afford things like a day care/ nanny. The next issue that commonly comes up is money. Young adults cannot always support a new born baby, and this fact only increases when they are attending college. My mother was forced to abandon college because she couldn’t make the time to focus on such …show more content…

There are many organizations that provide help to mothers. Some things given to single mothers are: Scholarships, money for bills and child care. Often times a mother could put her child in day care, and not have to pay a penny. Certain states honestly look towards the best interest of parents who cannot afford to do the necessities. In fact companies like Medicaid pay for 40% of all births in the U.S., and for the next 60 days of pregnancy related care. Many states have the ability to provide new mothers with almost anything they’d need to provide for their new born

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