Robert Schwarzwalder's Argument Against Abortion

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An issue that has flared up in today’s society, abortion is a highly debated topic that has sparked some of the most violent discussions. The rapid growth in teenage pregnancy has only increased the amount of attention that has been drawn to abortion and whether it is ethical or not. While some say that a woman is in power of her own body and can make choices based on her best interest, some take much offense to that and demand that a baby is a baby no matter how small it is and that abortion is never okay. It is important to know going into this debate that to argue one side, one would have to be 100% consistent with that decision because of all of the grey areas that come up regarding abortion. With that being said, I still believe that a …show more content…

Schwarzwalder also gives facts such as the fetus’ heartbeat being detected on ultrasound at just twenty two days after conception and at just six weeks, body parts begin to form such as the nose, mouth, and tongue. These facts discredits the pro-choice argument that the fetus is a “blob of tissue” because the fetus is pumping blood through its veins and developing body parts at such a young age. Schwarzwalder also discusses the topic of modern technology and it’s influence over abortion. Now, mothers and fathers can see the development of their child with their own eyes and perhaps this will help them to pick the life of their baby over …show more content…

Wade made abortion legal for all women in the United States, it did not make it morally right. Actions should be taken to prevent abortion and to protect the life of the fetus. We should take into account the facts of the fetus’ development and make policies based on that. A child that has features such as a tongue and brain activity should not have to die because of a mother’s careless actions. Also, policies should be updated along with technological advancements. In the medicine world today we have the equipment to see the development of the child like never before and surgeries can be done on a fetus before they are born. This is a new advancement that can provide anesthesia to the baby and perform procedures that involve shunting to bypass an obstructed urinary tracy, remove tumors, or even treat heart disease (Millstein). Any human being that requires such treatment should not be removed from this earth and that should be taken into account when making new policies regarding this subject; whatever they may

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