Believing In Yourself, By Martin Luther King Jr.

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Believing in Yourself In this lifetime today, on this day we only have one life to live on this very earth, until our life flashes before our eyes and the memory of our individuality is the only existence our loved ones remember us by. It’s upsetting that we spend the rest of our lives pleasing one another, begging for forgiveness just so we can feel better by the end of the day, or having the fear of not taking enough risks because that familiar wave of us getting into trouble washes us away mentally. Being greater than anyone around you is the key to you becoming successful, but there will be times where you will mess up and it is up to you to bring yourself back up. There were only three great, incredible people who really stood out to …show more content…

Making eye contact with someone and smiling is one thing, but communicating about each other’s interests therefore connecting in such a unique way is a complete different perspective. Not everyone is going to believe in you, which means as an individual we need to learn to accept ourselves and agree with the fact that not everyone around us is as we thought they would be. Martin Luther King Jr taught me that no matter the mistakes you do, you have to continue to bring yourself back up and continue moving. Everyone is going to fail one way or another and it doesn’t matter the situation because at the end of the day you learn to not put yourself in that situation again. Robin Williams made me realize that there is only one of us, yet we only have one lifetime to live. There is no time or patience to be wasting time, instead we need to grow and live the best life we possibly can live because life itself isn’t promised. In order to be completely happy with yourself is to love your own skin and embrace every second you have on this earth. At 14 years old I was just entering high school, since then I have been failing at least one class every year. It made me realize that if I were continue lacking, therefore not taking education seriously, I am going to keep taking that

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