Being A Nurse Midwife

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I made the choice to attend ATA because I was very interested in the nursing field and made the decision to get ahead in my career. ATA gives me the opportunity to have hands on experience to help me pass the CNA certification. I have always had a big heart for people and love caring for people as much as I care for myself. That being said, I feel like I have a bright future in the healthcare field. My goal is to attend HGTC for two years to get all my core classes out of the way then, transfer to a four-year college. My goal in this career is to hopefully one day run my own health care place, I like to be in charge and am a very responsible worker which is great traits to have to achieve this goal. I need to do some more research about …show more content…

They provide a developed health plan following a delivery plan. Midwives work over 40 hours per week. They can work in hospitals, clinics, health clinics, or at a women 's home for home birth. They special in delivering babies for low risk pregnancies. Being a nurse midwife is a very small, yet an excellent occupation. Since the population is growing, there are more women having babies, therefore, the demand for a nurse midwife will go up. About 75% of people in South Carolina make $103,780 a year, $8,646 a month and 49.89 an hour. (“Wages”). There are great benefits to being a nurse midwife, for example, health insurance, sick leave and a paid vacation. To become a nurse midwife you first need a high school diploma, next a bachelor 's degree in nursing, followed by a completion of a supervised clinical work experience, then a complete accredited nurse midwifery program, to finish off, you must obtain a midwifery …show more content…

The interview was very helpful for me. She talked about how nurse midwives were illegal in most states. She had to move to where it was legal, which there are some states where it is still illegal. The best thing about the job Susan Moray said is that, “I get a high level of satisfaction from respecting women 's strengths, their wishes, and their experience.” (Moray). Susan explains the biggest challenge that she faces everyday. She has to be on call everyday and be close to home every day. She can not take four hours hikes incase she gets a call. I would have to adapt to this challenge and it may take some thinking about to make sure I can handle having to leave in the middle of an important dinner or family gathering. I could be missing out on a lot and I feel bad just having to leave all the time. I do not want this to affect my relationship in the

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