Behavior Change

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Behavior Change Reflection Paper

If I’m being completely honest, I have a long list of things I would like to change about myself. I’m sure everyone does, but personally I could pick out my flaws better than I could pick out my strengths. The weird thing is, however, I genuinely like myself. I think I’m pretty great and that my imperfections are what makes me who I am. With all of that said, I would still like to be more refined and love myself rather than just like myself. The one behavior that I really want to focus on is my need to over analyze and over think. Of all my flaws I know that this is the one holding me back the most because I tend to talk myself out of things I would actually like to do. It’s also the reason a lot of things haven’t gone, my way in the past either. I’m always trying to protect my family’s name and tending to their happiness rather than my own. It’s stressful and quite frankly, annoying. I’m not sure how I'm going to implement this change yet. I’m going to take it on a day to day basis the first week or two, then foe the final two weeks Id set weekly goals. Sometime in the middle I’d like to start saying yes whenever the opportunity to try new …show more content…

I hate admitting that I need to change also so it was a little hard motivating myself to actually do it. Before the assignment I know that I wanted to be more open and spontaneous in my life and the only thing preventing me from doing such things was the extent to which I over analyzed. When I had to open up to my helper in class, I didn’t think that they would understand how my brain works and I didn’t want to be judged so I omitted a lot of the details of my actual behavior change and told them that I just wanted to do more things that I’ve never done. I let little bits and pieces of my actual behavior change through, but I never admitted that I wanted to change how I

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