Becoming Healthcare Administrators

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Becoming Healthcare Administrators Choosing a major has never been an easy task; after high school graduation, without a college plan, many of us finds ourselves taking classes we don’t even need in the first year of college. Setting aside some times to decide what we want to do in life, what we want to study, and where we want to be in the next five years or so can help us save time, money, and most likely can direct us toward our most coveted career goal. Changing our mind along the way is typical of us, but there are always many majors to choose from; but when it comes to the healthcare field, not every single one of us interested in healthcare as a profession gets to wear the white coat or the scrub because some of us hate the sight of blood and needles. These people may consider healthcare administration as a career, but is it worth it to choose healthcare administration as a career? The Health Care Industry The health care industry has become enormously powerful. Hundreds and thousands of physicians, nurses, health specialists, and many more non-medical workers have been employed in hospitals, health facilities, and even at home (Princeton, 2013). In our State, Florida, the healthcare industry is the most coveted field (Princeton, 2013). Everyone wants to be a nurse, a chief executive officer, a doctor, or a physician. It is a field that if chosen, we are set for life; unless we get tired of it or our license is revoked. What career does the field offer? The healthcare industry offers a lot of opportunities. Like mentioned above, anyone can choose to be a doctor, a physician, a chief executive officer, a chief financial officer, a nurse supervisor, just to name a few (Princeton, 2013). But particularly, there is a field that is filling a lot of us with excitement today, a field that was so secluded only few find themselves in it; a field which we believe is

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