Analysis Of Be A Gamer Save A Life By Jane Mcgonigal

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Be a gamer, save a life by Jane mcgonigal is an essay in which she discusses the positive side of video game addiction. She starts off by giving some opinions some people have about video games. Throughout the essay she gives statistics on video games and gamers, she only brings out the positives of these stats. Though they may have been made to support the opposing side she still has found a use for them in her essay. She gives her explanation as to why people feel the need to constantly game. She says it is because in video games there are clear goals and gives a sense of accomplishment and heroism. She also believes if jobs were about to build their goals of a company in a video game form then their company would profit immensely. Jane mcgonical instantly dismisses the thought of video games being "mind-numbing waste of time" by telling readers video games fulfill human needs. Mcgonical avoids several …show more content…

One negative point, many people in the world play video games longer than people who work a full-time job, as she stated, "...five million 'extreme' gamers in the U.S. who play an average of 45 hours a week." Playing video games for long periods of time is very dangerous as sitting in a single position can disrupt a person's circulation to their legs. Another point is the more gamers that arise, the hire the chances they are children and could be influenced by the video games they play. Video games like World of Warcraft, for example, is not as dangerous as Grand Theft Auto because in WOW it would be difficult to match what happens in the game in real life because of the nature of the game. In Grand Theft Auto a child could easily do what happens in the video games due to all the necessities being in the real

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