Battle Of Troy Research Paper

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The Battle of Troy, also known as the Trojan War; the Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece. Greece is a peninsula, which is the size of Louisiana. It is very close to Egypt. It’s also has a very mountainous landform. Because of where they were located this helped them develop a great navy for trading and fighting. Helen’s husband Menelaus talked his brother into his brother Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, to lead an expedition to go and get her In order to win things for the journey that they were going on, Agamemnon ended up sacrificing his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis. Agamemnon had many Greek heroes with him for the expedition; Achilles, Odysseus, Nestor and Ajax, plus many more. …show more content…

Greece had many tactics. They built a wooden horse, in which a small group of their warriors and soldiers were hidden in. The Greeks would return at night. Their warriors and soldiers would sneak out of the horse and open the city gates. This caused a destruction of Troy. They crossed the Aegean Sea to Asia Minor to lay siege to Troy and demand Helen’s return by the Trojan king. Whose name is Priam. Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, which was the King of Sparta. At a wedding, a golden apple which read ”to the fairest” which was meant to be given to the most beautiful woman. The three women; Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite all felt as if they were the most beautiful woman, and that they should receive that golden apple. Zeus; Athena’s father, and Hera’s husband was asked to decide. He refused, he wasn’t going to pick between those 3 women which included his daughter and his wife. The three women had different offers for receiving the golden apple. Athena offers ambition, fame, and success in war. Hera offers powers, riches and kings of Europe and Asia. Aphrodite offers love from the most …show more content…

Aphrodite thought she was the most beautiful woman, but Helen was! One problem, Helen is already married, to the King of Sparta! Her father made them make an oath to protect her, and support her husband. She was known as “the face to launch a thousand ships”. Many men fought over her, causing war. Paris went and visited Helen and Menelaus. Paris kidnaps Helen from the King of Sparta. Menelaus raises army from suitors. Agumenum, who is Menelaus’ brother, leads expedition. As Agumenum was returning from troy he was murdered!

Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC
The battle of Thermopylae was in 480 B.C; between the Greek city-states led by an Athenian General Themistocles, a Spartan King; Leonidas I, and Demophilus of Thespiae and the Persian army of Xerxes I. The battle was fought because the forces of Xerxes I and the king of Persia marched through Thrace and Macedon on their way to Greece. The Greek people heard what happened. The Spartans, famous warriors in Greece were enjoying a festival called Carneia. The Greeks numbered between 5200 and 11,200 people. The Persians numbered between 70,000 and 300,000 people (historical numbers) but the Persian army had 2,000,000 men; historical numbers. Sparta’s’ - King Leonidas I was the chosen leader. He

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