Aphrodite Greek Goddess

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The gorgeous, perfect young woman, who is one of the twelve Olympian gods, Aphrodite. She is the Goddess of love and beauty. She lived on Mount Olympus, which in Greece. There are stories describing how she rose up from the foam of the sea, floating on a scallop shell. She is famous for her beauty. Her power was to help people fall in love, by giving them a special belt to ware. She was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. The beautiful Goddess was married to Hephaestus, which was an arranged marriage. The greeks thought this was funny because Hephaestus was an ugly god. Aphrodite had many affairs and was secretly in love with Areas, who was actually her brother and also the god of war.

Aphrodite was determined to be the fairest, or most beautiful of all the goddesses. There was a contest where Paris, a mortal would decide who was the fairest. They all offered Paris something and the most beautiful would be offered a golden apple. He was offered power, wisdom, fame and love. The mortal chose love, which was offered by Aphrodite. She offered the love of Helen, the most beautiful mortal in the world. Paris stole Helen from a Greek king and took her to Troy, Zeus didn't like this and this started the Trojan war. This war lasted 10 years between the Greeks and the Trojans, all because of Paris, a mortal, beauty and a goddess. …show more content…

Aphrodite transforms the ordinary into something amazing and special through Love. To those she favored she transformed them into beautiful creatures. The weakness was her personality was kind of damaged because she was thought to be weak and easily offended. She is known to become angry and make revenge when mortals refused to honor her or her sacred

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