Batman Bane Theory

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It has been eight years since Batman and Commissioner Gordon disappeared. Batman takes the blame for the death of Harvey Dent, he sacrifices his all for the world’s benefit. A cat burglar and a terrorist, named Bane, foil Batman’s plans, and force Batman out of exile and into a battle.
Gotham is Batman’s hometown and an incredibly corrupt place. It is well known for its corrupt police department, which turns a blind eye to Batman’s questionable actions, since they are for the sake of the city. The city produces deviance because of the officials and police officers which shy away from addressing crimes. Although Batman is committing crimes in order to fight crime, this is not necessarily moral. While Batman is ultimately solving the city’s …show more content…

Two theories which helps us characterize Batman and once of his villains, Bane, is the differential-association theory and the control theory. According to the textbook, the differential-association theory is an interpretation of the development of criminal behavior proposed by Edwin H. Sutherland, according to whom criminal behavior is learned through association with others who regularly engage in crime. Batman is able to be characterized by this theory because he associates with the criminals within Gotham in order to fight them. However, rather than fighting crime with good, he fights it with more crime, since he acquired this behavior from those around him. Bane is able to be characterized by this theory because he attempts to carry on Ra’s al Ghul’s legacy by destroying Gotham. Since he wanted to directly associate with Ra’s al Ghul, he did not think that his actions were unreasonable, so he attempted to follow through in completing his plans to destroy Gotham. The control theory, according to the textbook, is the theory which views crime as the outcome of an imbalance …show more content…

Batman is the perfect example of this. He teaches us that one can possess a great amount of power and either use this power for good or bad. Power is connected to deviance because depending on how he or she uses this immense power, he or she can either deviate or stay on track with society’s norms. Social control and deviance are directly related as well. Social control is how an ideal society should be, one ideally should conform to the rules and live life in an honest manner. However, since there is no such thing as a perfect society, deviance is then introduced into society, causing the crime we try to

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