Bass Fishing Mistakes

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As a bass angler with more than 25 years of experience it occurred to me the other day that in 25 years of bass fishing I've most certainly made a ton of mistakes and other people could learn from these mistakes. This way you can avoid these mistakes, thus saving you time and making you a better bass angler. It's my view that nothing will make you a better angler like spending time on the water practicing your craft, and after reading this article the time you spend on the water won't involve these common mistakes that cost anglers time and more importantly bass.

These bass fishing mistakes are some of the common mistakes that every bass angler makes and not making them will help you catch more bass. It was Steven Wright who said, "There's …show more content…

Any unnatural scents on your hands will transfer to your bait or lure and cost you bites. You always want to make sure that your hands are free of any unnatural odors. There are a couple of remedies to this bass fishing mistake. The first is to always use odor neutralizing soap the day before fishing and the second is to simply grab a handful of dirt and rub it into your hands before baiting up ( or leaving the dock). Not Using The Moon To Your Advantage - This mistake is very simple to avoid. The moon has an incredible impact on the feeding behavior of bass, and not using this information to your advantage is a big bass fishing mistake. Did you know that simply fishing when the moon is full means that bass will bite better? It's true and not using information such as this to your advantage as an angler is a big mistake. Learning the simple ways the moon affects bass fishing is a very good idea. Not Using Realistic Fishing Lures - Many bass anglers make the mistake of not using realistic fishing lures. They tend to stick with the old standby bass baits and overlook the fact that nothing beats a realistic bass fishing lure. The more your bass fishing lure looks like the quarry the bass normally eat, the more success you will have. Not using realistic lures is a big bass fishing

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