Baptist Compare And Contrast Essay

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It is strange to think that some things that are incredibly similar can also be polar opposites. With religion, most have the same ways or reasons for doing what they do. Just like your usual route to and from school or work, you have a reason for that one route and no one can change it for you. Even though they all participate in some form of the same thing, it isn’t until you examine the details in the fine print that you notice their differences pop. Catholicism and Baptist are two of those close yet far religions. While they both pray, receive baptisms, and are held in churches, the methods behind them differ widely. Some of these differences even cause major resentment. Baptism is a major part of most religions. It is both a way of salvation and a way to show commitment to the Lord. While …show more content…

The Catholics have massive ornate buildings that are just full of artifacts and elegant decorations. Some say they keep the churches looking so nice because they believe that Christ is in their midst whenever they are attending Mass. The Baptists, on the other hand, tend to stick to a simple and bright design to their buildings. There is no definite answer as to why, but some believe that the ornate decorations can offend God. You can always tell right away if you are driving past a catholic or Baptist church. It is not just appearances that make the two different, the way that the two operate are extremely antithetical. Each Catholic Church is sent guidance from the Pope in the Vatican and other higher Bishops. Basically, all of the catholic churches are just one colossal church spread out amongst different locations. The Baptist, however, are not controlled by a higher organization. Their guidance comes from the Pastors themselves. The local church is the highest form and the Pastors work for them. Any changes in the church are voted on by the congregation and then sent to the church

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