Banning Books In Schools

1545 Words4 Pages

Kanani Vizcarra
May 2, 2018
English 102
Research Essay
Book Bans in the U.S.
Banning books in schools is an action that is becoming more common in the states across
America. People who believe that banning books will not affect students exist as well as those who believe all bans on books should be lifted. Many valid and different reasons have been brought up by people that debate over the topic of banning books, two of the main reasons being, banning books is unconstitutional and some believe it can be beneficial.
To ban a book, the person wanting to restrict or remove the book will present their issue to whomever oversees the English department at the school. The process of suggesting a ban on a book is called a challenge, which can be made …show more content…

The themes in the books that people see as inappropriate or vulgar draw the attention of the students and they will look past the vulgar and inappropriate language and prove those who think they are not mature enough to handle these pieces of literature. Students who are required to study and read
American literature tend to be in their junior or senior year in high school and are more than capable of discussing the usage of vulgar language, sexual content, and the morally challenging themes presented in American Literature.
The American Library Association advocates to improve the careers of those who have dedicated their lives and careers to improving opportunities involving the library. Members of the ALA connect, meet, and network with professionals from all areas of the library, engage in the latest trends and issues. Other organizations have come together with ALA, these organizations are, Assn. of College & Research Libraries, United for Libraries, and public library association. Together these committees have made sure that issues such as banning books are addressed professionally. The form of advocacy the ALA practices regarding banned books …show more content…

The Office for
Intellectual Freedom creates and edit policies, strategize plans for working with communities and families, and provide workshops and programs about the First Amendment, privacy laws, internet filtering, and intellectual freedom.
Banned books is an issue that librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers face often. Banning books is seen as an offense of the first amendment or censorship.
Books that were challenged or banned are books that are considered classics or even novels. The titles that were once asked to be banned in a school in New York ended up dealing with a legal case known as Island Trees School District v. Pico where the Supreme Court sided with the students because banning books went against the first amendment. Two perspectives are presented, those who agree with challenging and banning books and those who oppose it.
Organizations have devoted their time to making sure that students are able to exercise their intellectual freedom.
Works Cited
Anonymous. “Banned & Challenged Books.” Advocacy, Legislation & Issues, 13 Apr.
“Banned Books That Shaped America.” Banned Books Week, 12 Apr.

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