Back School Shopping Persuasive Speech

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Well, it’s that time of year again, when the days start to get a little colder, the leaves start to change colors, and your kids begin the dreaded return to school. Back to school shopping has always been something of a downer for both kids and adults during the final weeks of summer. For children, it’s a reminder that they have to return to learning, and for parents, it’s yet another excuse to spend lots of money on things that your kids may or may not need or even use. This year, take the hassle out of back to school shopping with our top five tips to help you save. Who knows, maybe you’ll start to look forward to this time of the year in the future?

Buy Used
The National Retail Foundation (NRF) says that parents will spend an average of …show more content…

If so, you can plan a supply swap to get valuable materials that their children don’t need, but yours do. Also, you can talk to these parents to find out what exactly your child needs and what supplies will just collect dust over the year.

Just the Basics
For most elementary schools, teachers will put out a list of “necessary supplies”. However, for the most part, this list is more of a suggestion than a hard and fast ruling, so don’t worry about any extras that you see on there. Pens, pencils, erasers, paper, notebooks, and a solid backpack are all any kid needs to succeed.

Speaking of backpacks, try to avoid getting one that is character-centric (like Spiderman or Dora). That way, you can reuse the bag as your kid gets older and eventually thinks a Spiderman pack is “uncool.” If your children insist on having characters on their gear, then use stickers or something else that’s temporary, so you don’t have to buy a new backpack every year.

Use Social Media
Many stores, such as Walmart, Costco, and OfficeMax will offer special deals to customers that follow them on social media. If you aren’t already following these places on Twitter and Facebook, do so before the season gets into full swing so you can take advantage of any coupons or deals that they might

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