Babies Movie Analysis

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The film Babies is a film that follows four babies from San Francisco, Tokyo, Mongolia, and Namibia through their first year of life. The film has no talking or narrative. In many scenes, you don’t even see adults. This helps you get to see a baby’s perspective on the world. This movie showed how different cultures are when it comes to raising children. Ponijao was from Namibia. His Namibian community was very close knit. They lived in the desert, and the women in the community sat around most of the day breastfeeding, doing each other’s hair, talking, and taking care of each other’s children. The babies in the tribe spent most of their time outside interacting with nature. They played with anything they could find, ranging from sticks to rocks …show more content…

Piaget has four stages in his theory: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The sensorimotor stage is the first stage of development in Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. This stage lasts from birth to the second year of life for babies, and is centered on the babies exploring and trying to figure out the world. During this stage, babies engage in behaviors such as reflexes, primary circular reactions, secondary circular reactions, and tertiary circular …show more content…

Erikson believed that a crisis occurs at each stage of development. Successful completion of each stage results in healthy development. Failure to complete a stage can result in a lessened ability to successfully complete the following stages. However, the stages can be successfully completed later in life. During the Babies documentary, the four babies are in their first year of life. This is Erikson’s stage, Trust vs. Mistrust. The question during this stage is, “Is the world a safe place or is it full of accidents and unpredictable events?” During this stage, the infant looks to their primary caregiver for care, whether stable or unstable. Infants try to find a send of predictability, consistency and trust. Erikson believes that all caregiving behavior will lead to this. If the infant receives stable care, then they will develop a sense of trust. If they don’t, they will develop a sense of mistrust for the

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