Babies Documentary

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Babies is a documentary that centers around four diverse infants throughout their first year on Earth. These four babies are born in four different areas of the world. The film demonstrates how people from different parts of the world can grow up completely different than other parts, while still sharing many similarities. Ponijao is an African baby who is born in Opuwo, Namibia. Mari is a young Japanese girl who was born in Tokyo, Japan. Bayar is a baby who was born in Bayanchandmani, Mongolia. The fourth baby’s name is Hattie, born in San Francisco, California. While viewing the documentary, many theories and concepts in psychology are portrayed.
There are four stages in Piaget’s stages of development. The one that this film focused on was …show more content…

Even though, the children grew up in different environments, the stages of development they underwent were mostly the same. Whether it be in an environment not suitable for any person to live, as depicted by Ponijao’s family, or a well-kept home, as shown by Hattie’s family, the development stages were pretty much the same. Each toddler used their senses in order to gain information about the world around them. The major difference between the development of these four babies was the environment that they grew up in. For example, Hattie’s parents were constantly trying to teach their baby new and educational things. Her parents always read her books. In one book, she learned how to imitate the sounds and motions an elephant makes. Due to Ponijao’s environment, it was extremely difficult to learn the kinds of things Hattie was learning. In his environment, he didn’t even have any books or toys that could further his knowledge. His family was living in poverty. In the film Babies, many theories and concepts were conveyed by the four different families. It showed the stage of development a baby is at when they are less than one years old. The film proved that a person can be brought up in a city in America or third world country and still go through the same stages of development any child

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