Ba Black Sheep Research Paper

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A rhyme has to have two characteristics to be called a popular children’s rhyme. It has to be “popular” meaning it was recorded from oral tradition, and it must have a “children’s rhyme function” which means it has been told or sung to children or used by them. “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” has both of those characteristics. Some believe this rhyme was written to encourage young children to imitate the sounds of animals when they are learning how to talk. Others relate the origin of the rhyme to being a protest against taxation. My essay discusses both topics and the reasons behind them. “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” is an eighteenth century nursery rhyme sung to the same tune as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. The reason the words and history of this nursery rhyme were to associate wool and wool products with the animal that produces it. It also places emphasis on the sound that a sheep would make! When a child first learns to talk, they imitate the sounds or noises that animals make onomatopoeia, like baa, baa. The first publication for the lyrics to this famous nursery rhyme dates back to 1744. …show more content…

From the time of its first printing, the verse has been very popular, and remains one of the most recognized of all nursery rhymes. The origin of this English nursery rhyme is believed to be based on the reality of life in England and the export tax for wool farmers of 1275 created by King Edward I (the master). The "bags of wool" (or produce from the farmers) first went to the nobles, then the church, and in the end practically nothing was left for the poor "little boy"

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